You are going to be 2 soon, Yvette and you have amazed us with what you have learned in this short time! You can say a lot of the letters of the alphabet and the song at the end. You LOVE to count and 7-8-9 seems to be your favorite consecutive trio to say. You have started identifying colors and pink seems to stand out as one you really like. "5 Little Monkey's Jumping on the Bed," is a nightly (and daily) request and you can even tell us what the doctor said. You have started to take some interest in potty training...we still have time to work on that one. (: You love pizza, yogurt, strawberries, cherries, and salad...and of course, ice cream. You even went to your first "show" to see Elmo and the Sesame Street Crew! You love "Percy-Remy" and I think you really missed them this week. You are starting to say simple sentences and often ask us, "What doin'?" or tell me in the morning, "Daddy was workin'." Thank you for making our lives so incredibly full of love and joy, Yvette...we love you!!!!
Nana, Bonesy, Patty, and Jackie are in San Diego this week enjoying some warm weather, so you got to spend the whole week with Grammy and Pop! You had a good time at Barnes and Noble with Grammy the other day and even made a beautiful caterpillar!
Yvette!! You are growing up right before our eyes! It makes me so happy to know that the joy you bring to your mommy and daddy and we are so excited to come visit next weekend. We love you:)
Nay Nay and Kris