Thursday, July 29, 2010

15 Months and counting

Just some recent fun shots of you, Yvette. (: I have been having such a wonderful time with you this summer. We go for lots of walks and you love watching Freyja swim at the park. We go to the zoo and discovery center where you play with the animals and toys. You have several little friends who we have play dates with and you play dress up and scribble with their crayons. You are starting to get the hang of kicking in the pool...some days you like swimming better than others. (: You now yell "dowm" anytime you want to be put down...or picked up. Any bug you see you say, "go, bye." You still love shoes. You are starting to imitate people by trying to put keys in the door and watering the plants with your own little container. Yeats is your best friend and he lets you pat him pretty hard. Chubby is not so fond of the ear pulling, but he does love the food you feed him by hand from the high chair. You go outside every evening and pick rasberries and black berries with your eat more than both of us combined. You threw your first temper tantrum at Target when I took away a non-baby item...we quickly found the aisle with puffs and everything was fine again.

We love you, Yvette and we enjoy watching you grow every single day.

1 comment:

  1. Yvette you are getting so big and cuter everyday. I am going to see you very soon at the beach and then the next week you are coming down to Philly with your Mommy. I CANNOT WAIT! You are growing up right before our eyes and you bring so much joy to everyone's life. We love you! Love, Aunt Nay Nay and Uncle Kris
