Tuesday, May 18, 2010

And the first word is...

Shoe!!!! Yes...it's official. Your first word is shoe. While "doh"
or "dog" was a close second, there was no disagreement on shoe. Nana actually heard it one day at her house and brought it to our attention, so I guess she heard it first. (: Another word in the works is "ju" for juice and "boon" for balloon. Barney gets a "ban" type sound and turtle comes in with a "tut."

These pics are of you enjoying the day at Grammie's house- this is your first ride on a tricycle! (: We think that's perfect since Grammie loves to ride her bike and someday she can show you how to ride your first bicycle!

Thanks Nana and Grammie for your help with all the big firsts!!!

1 comment:

  1. SHOE!!! Good job Yvette we are so proud of you! Can't wait to hear you talking up a storm (just like your aunt nay nay!!) We love and miss you so much!
