Friday, January 22, 2010

Some More Firsts

Today you are home sick. ): You are going on day 3 with a fever of 102(your first one), so a trip to the doctor is in store today since they said to come in if it didn't go away. Grammie and Nana have watched you the past two days and today your dad is staying with you. These pics were taken a few days ago by Grammie...we hope you are back to your happy self soon, Yvette.
You are getting your first tooth and just like being sick, it is no laughing matter. That little thing is doing everything it can to break through those gums. You are starting to pull up in your crib and anything else that you can find to grab on and lift up. You love to say "da da," and the "b" sound is used for just about everything else. Your favorite activity is to walk while we hold your hands. We love you, Yvette!

1 comment:

  1. Those teeth are a pain, aren't they Yvette? I hope you feel better soon.
