Anyone coming for dinner? (:
The remaining pictures are of you picking your first pumpkin of the season at Nana and Bonesy's house. (: It started out small and green, as shown next to the Philadelphia mug (like that Renee?).
I had a wonderful summer with you and now you get to spend the days with Grammie and Nana. You are showing them all your new words and movements you learned over the summer. (: So what's new with you...Your ability to use a spoon is uncanny and mac n' cheese has nothing on you now! You can now say "pease" for please, which was learned with the help of ice cream. Your newest word is "ummm..." You jibber jabber away with complete thoughts and gestures, even though we don't have a clue what you are saying. It's adorable. You are still in the 90th percentile range for height and you can even grab onto the counter ledge. You love to do circles and then fall down from getting dizzy. You have even started walking backwards. You do not like it when I try to help you brush your teeth...you would rather do it yourself. You grab our hands and say "go," when you want to do something. Coloring is a closely monitored activity since the crayons don't always like to stay on the paper. You love to answer the phone with a "herrow," and carry your head to the side and have conversations. You love to feed your baby and help me change her. You love to fake us out by pretending to put something in your mouth...you get us every time with this one.