I got a positive pregnancy test on August 22, 2008 and nine months later on May 4, 2009 our precious baby girl arrived. I started having contractions on May 3rd at around 10:30 p.m. and by about 2:30 a.m., they were coming every 30 minutes. By 5 a.m. they were coming about every 15-20 minutes, so we called the hospital and they said to come in. When I was admitted and got to our room at 6 a.m., I was 4 cm. dilated and an hour and a half later I was 7cm...then half an hour later, 8cm...things were moving! I kept asking for an epidural, but they thought you were coming too fast- next time I will be arriving to the hospital 2 days early to get one! Your dad, Trevor was so amazing throughout my pregnancy and delivery- I could not imagine a more wonderful man.
I pushed for 1/2 an hour and then the greatest moment of our life happened- you were born, Yvette. "Hi little girl," I said. You should have seen the smile on your father's face! (: We couldn't wait to tell the family the news! I think everyone was surprised you were a girl since the Herrick side has not had one in 35 years! Nana, Bonesy, Grammie,Pop, and Paul came in first to see you. They loved you the moment they saw you. Someday you will know all about your Uncle Paul and how special he was and how much he loved you.
Thank you for making our lives so incredibly full of love and happiness, Yvette. You are loved and adored by your parents so very much.